Snow and winter sports are inextricably linked with Austria. Every year, numerous sports enthusiasts long for the start of the ski season. Unfortunately, this does not go off without injury for everyone, as around 30,000 winter sports accidents occur every year. A little carelessness, crowded and unclear slopes, difficult to see ice surfaces ... accidents happen - even to experienced athletes.

Lorenz Putz will be happy to advise you.
Hier drei wichtige Versicherungen, um für die kommende Wintersaison bestens gerüstet zu sein.
#1 Private accident insurance
Of course, the statutory health insurance covers the basic medical care after an accident. Unfortunately, not all accidents are over with the treatment in the hospital, but leave the existing life permanently off track. The follow-up costs of an accident are particularly problematic: Only private accident insurance covers – depending on the selected tariff and modules – the costs of remedies, possibly necessary cosmetic operations, pays a one-time capital benefit and/or monthly pension in the event of permanent disability and covers search and rescue costs.
Huge costs
As with hiking, so with winter sports: the costs for a helicopter rescue after sports or leisure accidents in alpine terrain are not covered by ÖGK, but must be borne by the injured person himself. Rescue operations in alpine terrain are a challenge for rescue forces, especially in inaccessible places or after avalanches. In addition, the transport of an injured person can often be preceded by long search missions of the mountain rescue, possibly with the support of search dogs including dog handlers, helicopters and camera drones. These costs must also be paid by the injured person out of his or her own pocket.
#2 Private liability insurance
Collisions on skis sometimes cause the most serious injuries. If you are to blame for the accident, you are obliged to pay damages, which can be expensive: Compensation for pain and suffering, treatment costs, loss of earnings, care costs, replacement of expensive ski equipment, … You are protected by private liability insurance, which assumes such compensation obligations or defends against unjustified claims. Private liability insurance is usually a fixed component of a household insurance policy.
You should ensure the co-insurance of adult children, whose insurance coverage may no longer be included in your insurance.
#3 Legal expenses insurance
It is not always clear who is at fault after an accident. Legal protection insurance helps you to assert your claims and covers the costs of litigation in the event of a dispute. In addition, in the event of criminal proceedings, it will cover the costs of your defense attorney, among other things.
Also important to know!
- Après-Ski and insurance: Remember that insurance may not cover you if an accident occurs under the influence of alcohol.
- Amateur or professional: If you are not only skiing for recreational purposes, but are also competing with other athletes, it is important to check your insurance coverage and adjust it if necessary. Policies often exclude accidents that occur during participation in certain Nordic or alpine competitions (or related training) in their terms and conditions. Attention: These exceptions usually also apply to children!
Ensure a relaxed ski season with the right insurance.
Contact us, we will be happy to advise you!