Danube Angels

Site notice - Information and Disclosure according to § 25 MedG, § 5 AltFG and § 5 ECG

Content, editorial responsibility, media owner and publisher

Danube Angels GmbH
Köstlergasse 1/23
1060 Vienna
+43/1/382 00 23

Corporate purpose

The corporate purpose is placement of participations, management consulting and operation of platforms for offers of participations.

Business licences

GISA No. 29929641: Commercial financial consulting without allowance to place life- and accident-insurance

GISA No. 31476898: Management consulting including business organization

GISA No. 32668674: Trade other than regulated trades

Further company information

Managing Director: Paul G. Putz, MBA
Number of register of commerce: FN 476082x
Register of commerce kept by: Handelsgericht Wien
Trade authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt für den 6./7. Bezirk Wien
Authority of E-Commerce-Act: Magistratisches Bezirksamt für den 6./7. Bezirk Wien
UID-number: ATU72613219

Owners/shareholders: Paul Putz & Partner Management Consultants GmbH (36,80 %), helecom Slovakia k.s. (21,60 %), Mag. Jakob Hütthaler-Brandauer (21,60 %), Funderbeam Nominees Limited (20,00 %)

Member of the Austrian Economic Chamber Vienna: Fachgruppe Finanzdienstleister
Commercial regulations: Gewerbeordnung (

Further information according to AltFG

Current financial statement


Excerpt of the commercial register


Escrow agent: Danube Angels Treuhand GmbH, Köstlergasse 1/23, 1060 Vienna, Austria


General criteria for the choice and approval as issuer:

  • The seat of the issuer is in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary or Croatia.
  • The legal form of the issuer is a corporation.
  • The corporation uses the capital of the investors for its operative business.
  • The company corporation is profit- and growth-orientated.
  • Because of the high complexity of companies and their projects no specific selection criteria can be formulated. Therefore, Danube Angels GmbH is free to select or reject companies at their own discretion.


Type, incidence and percentage of the fee collected from investors:

  • The registration and the usage of the platform of Danube Angels GmbH is free for investors.
  • In case of profit distributions, the escrow agent receives 10% of the distribution amount as a maintenance fee. This includes any of the applicable value added tax.
  • In case of an exit, the escrow agent receives a success-related fee for the services of the escrow agent and its partners (administrative settlement, support of the trustors, operation of active shareholder, reporting etc.) from the investor for the amount of 10% including all of the applicable value added tax. Basis for the fee is the sum of the gross-profit distributions and the disposal proceeds less attendance fee and less the investment amount. No success-related fee is collected when the escrow agreement is extraordinary terminated or expires.


Type, incidence and percentage of the fee collected from issuers:

  • Fixed and success fee: Danube Angels charge a fixed fee of € 1,500 plus any applicable value-added tax upon signing the Letter of Intent to mediate capital and a success-based fee for the provision of capital and the mediation of investors. This success fee amounts to 10% of the capital (plus any applicable value-added tax), which flows into the company in whatever form, whereby the previously paid fixed amount is credited. The success fee is due after the transaction has been completed.
  • Annual support fee: For the ongoing support, preparation of investor information, administration of trust relationships etc., an annual fee of EUR 4,000 plus any applicable tax is charged.

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