Danube Angels

Danube Angels for companies

For which companies is our investor network interesting?

Raising capital through Danube Angels is the right form of financing for your company if the following criteria are met:

  • Financing volume: EUR 50,000 to EUR 500,000
  • Financing phase: late seed/early stage-financing
  • First clients and turnover
  • Industries: all industries, no pure project companies
  • Corporation with registered office in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary or Croatia
  • Willingness to broaden the shareholder structure
  • Approval of extensive rights of investors

Your advantages

Marketing potential

The Danube Angels investor network is not only a possibility of financing, but also an excellent marketing instrument. You can have personal contact with investors and receive a lot of attention for your company.

Service potential

The Danube Angels platform not only provides you with money, but rather “smart money”. On the one hand, you benefit from access to our extensive network of partners and investors in the DACH and CEE regions. On the other hand, you will enjoy the ongoing professional support and expertise of Danube Angels.

Financing potential

You use not just one person or institution to finance your company, but a larger number of investors in the DACH and CEE regions.

Minimum administration

The investments of the individual investors are held by a trustee so that rather than 50 new shareholders only the trustee is involved in the company. This keeps the administrative costs for your company at a minimum.

Step by Step


Submit your financing application

Apply here for financing. After reviewing your documents, you will receive feedback from our team.


Presentation of the company

After positive feedback you will receive an invitation to one of our Pitching Days. At this event, the main focus will be on getting to know the team and your business model as well as questions by our partners.


Contract drafting

We jointly draft all necessary contracts with the extensive investor protection rights.


Preparation of the approach of investors

Together we design an interesting investment summary – with an easy-to-understand description of your company and product as well as appealing pictures. All documents must meet the requirements of a public offer as defined by the Austrian Alternative Financing Act (AltFG).


Start of the approach of investors

Advertise in your network for the financing round and win investors. We support you by marketing in our networks and try, together with you, to reach the minimum amount of the investment or more.


Completion and ongoing support

Keep your investors informed through at least quarterly reports and information on important events. You can also benefit from access to our network of experts in the DACH and CEE regions and use it for the further growth of your company.

Frequently asked questions

For a financing round on the Danube Angels platform, your company must meet the following requirements:

  • Your company is a corporation based in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary or Croatia.
  • Your company already has a product on the market and is already generating sales.
  • Your company is looking for late seed or early stage-financing between EUR 50,000 and EUR 500,000.
  • The owners of the company are willing to broaden the shareholder structure and to approve to extensive rights of investors.

No, your company does not have to operate in a specific industry. Danube Angels is interested in operating companies from all industries. Danube Angels do not offer financing for pure project companies (such as real estate, renewable energies).

The financing volume of Danube Angels and its investors ranges between EUR 50,000 and EUR 500,000.

The following fees are charged for the provision of capital:

Fixed and success fee

Danube Angels charges a fixed fee of EUR 1,500 plus any applicable value-added tax upon signing the Letter of Intent to mediate capital and a success-based fee for the provision of capital and the mediation of investors. This success fee amounts to 10% of the capital (plus any applicable value-added tax), which flows into the company in whatever form, whereby the previously paid fixed amount is credited. The success fee is due after the transaction has been completed.

Annual support fee

For the ongoing support, preparation of investor information, administration of the trust relationships, etc., an annual fee of 1.5% of the capital provided, with a minimum of € 1,000 and a maximum of € 4,000, plus any applicable VAT, will be charged.

A financing round with Danube Angels offers your business many benefits. The most important ones are:

  • Marketing potential: the Danube Angels investor network is not only a form of financing, but also an excellent marketing instrument. As part of the public offering, you get personal contact with investors and a lot of attention for your company.
  • Service potential: the Danube Angels platform not only provides you with money, but rather “smart money”. On the one hand, you benefit from access to our extensive network of partners and investors in the DACH and CEE regions. On the other hand, you will enjoy the ongoing professional support and expertise of Danube Angels.
  • Financing potential: you use not just one person or institution to finance your company, but a large number of investors in the DACH and CEE regions.
  • Minimum administration: the investments of the individual investors are held by a trustee so that rather than 50 new shareholders only the trustee is involved in the company. This keeps the administrative costs for your company at a minimum.

In contrast to other platforms, Danube Angels does not provide subordinated loans, but real equity. Our platform offers investors equity participations in companies seeking capital. Each investor’s participation is held by a trustee, so there are not 50 new shareholders in the company, but only the trustee.

The amount of the company’s share depends on the amount of financing required and the company’s valuation. The company valuation is carried out by Danube Angels on the basis of your cash flow statement, which you provide.

To apply for a financing round, simply register your company on our community and investment platform at „Apply for financing“.

Once you have gone through all the steps of our selection process, you will receive an offer from Danube Angels for the provision or mediation of capital. Then all contracts must be negotiated by you and Danube Angels and the campaign must be designed together. Basically, we plan four weeks from the acceptance of the offer and the start of the campaign.

Before and during your campaign, Danube Angels and its partners support your company in the creation of the campaign and the advertising measures. Our team, which includes a lawyer in Vienna, can also assist you in legal matters.

The Danube Angels platform presents your investment opportunity to potential investors. In order to achieve the highest possible amount, it is essential that you also distribute and promote the financing round in your network. In addition, Danube Angels will prepare investor events where you can personally present your company and inspire potential investors to invest.

Maximum investment means the amount of money which will be maximally raised for a company. This amount can not be exceeded. The minimum investment is the minimum amount that must be collected to fund the company and complete the financing.

If the minimum investment is not reached during the term of the financing round, the capital will not be provided or mediated and the letter of intent or any negotiated agreement between your company and Danube Angels will be invalid. In the event that the funding threshold is not reached, the success fee is not due; only the fixed sum of EUR 1,500 at the signing of the letter of intent is payable. It is also possible to extend a financing round if you and Danube Angels think this is useful and if this option was previously stated in the contracts.

In order to enable Danube Angels to provide investors with timely, accurate and comprehensive corporate information, the capital-seeking company undertakes to submit quarterly reports on the progress of business and financial position. Danube Angels names a contact person who discusses the course of business with the founders on a monthly basis.

The Danube Angels partners always act as co-investors themselves, expressing their commitment and trust in your company.

Yes, once the minimum investment is reached, the company is obliged to execute the negotiated contracts.

Do you have questions about a financing round at Danube Angels?

We will also be glad to answer your questions personally in a call or by e-mail.

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